CRM 2023 Charity Golf Tournament

  • September 30, 2023
    9:00 am - 2:00 pm

Come join us on Saturday, September  30th, at the Forest Green Golf Club in Triangle, VA, for our 2023 Charity Golf Tournament. Check-in is at the Club is from 8:00am – 8:45am with a shotgun start promptly at 9:00am.

This is a “Best Ball” tournament, so you don’t have to be a “Pro” to play and enjoy the game. You will also have the opportunity to enhance your fun and improve your score with the purchase of several different “short cuts” to help you out. Bottom line is that this is a FUN TOURNAMENT with all net proceeds going to an excellent cause.

Both individual and team awards will be announced at the buffet following the tournament. Door prizes will also be raffled off.

Registration and payment by September 17th, please. Note that, although our payment app indicates payment via “PayPal”, PayPal app accepts your credit card and DOES NOT REQUIRE a PayPal account.

Price is $100 per golfer ($400 per foursome). Price includes Green Fees, Golf Cart, Range Balls, Gift Bags, Buffet, Awards, and one Raffle Ticket for door prizes. Additional raffle tickets and “short cuts” will be available for purchase upon arrival.

Hole Sponsorships ($250, one per hole) and Event Sponsorships are available.  See sponsor benefits and download a sponsor registration form.

All are welcome. Come join us for a fun-filled day of and lively fellowship.


4500 Poa Annua Ln, Triangle, Virginia, 22172, United States

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